I-35W Study (SH 114 to I-820)
Proposed improvements from Eagle Parkway to US 81/US 287 include:
- 10-lane facility with three 12-foot general purpose lanes in each direction plus auxiliary lanes
- 10-foot wide inside and outside shoulders
- Two 12-foot wide managed (toll) lanes in each direction, with 10-foot wide outside and 4-foot wide inside shoulders
- Direct connectors from IH 35W to SH 170
Proposed improvements from US 81/ US 287 to Basswood Boulevard include:
- 12-lane facility with four 12-foot general purpose lanes in each direction plus auxiliary lanes
- 10-foot wide inside and outside shoulders
- Two 12-foot wide managed (toll) lanes in each direction with 10-foot wide outside and 4-foot wide inside shoulders
- Direct connectors to/from US 81/US 287 from IH 35W managed (toll) lanes
Proposed improvements from Basswood Boulevard to IH 820 include:
- 14-lane facility with four 12-foot general purpose lanes in each direction plus auxiliary lanes
- 10-foot wide inside and outside shoulders
- Three 12-foot wide managed (toll) lanes in each direction with 10-foot wide outside and 4-foot wide inside shoulders
Additional proposed corridor improvements from Eagle Parkway to IH 820 include:
- Discontinuous frontage roads with one 12-foot wide inside lane and one 14-foot wide outside shared lane for bicyclists
- 6-foot wide sidewalks for pedestrians
The I-35W project is part of the North Tarrant Express (NTE) Master Development Plan (MDP).