I-345 Feasibility Study
The Final Feasibility Report is located in the October 2022 section below.
Project description
Interstate 345 is located on the east side of Downtown Dallas and carries traffic between I-30, US 75/I-45, and Woodall Rodgers Freeway (Spur 366). More than 180,000 vehicles use the 1.4-mile roadway every day.
The Texas Department of Transportation is facilitating a feasibility study of I-345. This study is just the beginning of a thoughtful process that will help TxDOT determine the best way to address the needs of the roadway and the traveling public as they plan for current and future development.
The feasibility study team will use a four-phase approach that will:
- Define the project approach
- Develop and screen concepts
- Refine reasonable alternatives
- Deliver collaborative and defendable study results
The study team will collect, review and evaluate traffic counts and patterns; safety data; signal timing; current plans for committed transportation improvements in the study area; potential impacts to the local street grid and existing transportation infrastructure; and pedestrian, bicyclist, transit, and freight activity data. Traffic data will be one of the major components of the study and will include traffic counts, trip origin, and destination information. The team will also identify potential environmental constraints that would be taken into consideration during the feasibility study and that may need to be addressed during the environmental phase of the project.
This study will also take into consideration ideas generated through the Dallas CityMAP process and previous studies. Dallas CityMAP examined the major interstates surrounding and entering downtown Dallas and how they could best integrate with the future vision of the city.
TxDOT will work closely with the City of Dallas, Dallas County, the North Central Texas Council of Governments, and other agencies and stakeholders (residents, businesses, property owners, elected and public officials, neighborhood associations, etc.) during the study process to work towards finding solutions for I-345.
Schedule and funding have not been identified for this project. Projects must go through a multi-year feasibility and environmental review process. If any changes are proposed for the roadway, they will need to be placed in the region’s current mobility plan, accounted for in local transportation plans, and funding identified.
Public involvement
Effective public involvement provides opportunities for the public to provide input into TxDOT’s decision-making processes.
- The first round of public meetings was in December 2019 to provide the public with preliminary information about the project and to ask for feedback, including the identification of environmental constraints and/or issues that need to be addressed during the environmental analysis.
- The second round of public meetings was held in June 2021 to preview five alternatives and get feedback.
- A third and final round of public meetings for the study in May 2022 provided additional detailed analysis and also made a recommendation for the Refined Hybrid Option to move forward for further study. Additional feedback from public was also gathered.
October 2022
- I-345 Final Feasibility Report (PDF)
- QF 04 CRF Feasibility Report (Excel)
- Appendix A Env Constraints
- Appendix B COD Design Criteria
- Appendix C PM No 1 Summary 1 of 6
- Appendix C PM No 1 Summary 2 of 6
- Appendix C PM No 1 Summary 3 of 6
- Appendix C PM No 1 Summary 4 of 6
- Appendix C PM No 1 Summary 5 of 6
- Appendix D PM No 2 Summary 1 of 2
- Appendix D PM No 2 Summary 2 of 2
- Appendix E PM No 3 Summary
- Appendix F Newsletters
- Appendix G FAQs
May 2022 meeting materials
- Meeting Materials
- Public Meeting Summary Sections A-C
- Public Meeting Summary Sections D-E
- Series 3 Comment Matrix
June 2021 meeting materials
- Meeting Materials
- Meeting notice in English
- Meeting notice in Spanish
- Public Meeting Summary Sections A-D
- Public Meeting Summary Section E, part 1
- Public Meeting Summary Section E, part 2
- Public Meeting Summary Section E, part 3
December 2019 meeting materials
- Dec 2 Public Meeting Summary
- Dec 3 Public Meeting Summary
- Dec 5 Public Meeting Summary
- Meeting notice in English
- Meeting notice in Spanish
- Meeting venues location map
- 0092-14-094 I-345 Public Meeting Presentation-December 2019
- 0092-14-094 I-345 Public Meeting Script-December 2019
- 0092-14-094 I-345 Feasibility Study Public Meeting, Exhibits, Boards & Maps-Dec -2019