DFW Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
Bicycling and walking are inexpensive and efficient forms of transportation that can help reduce traffic congestion through diverting use, improve air quality within our community, and improve health and well-being through regular exercise. Every transportation agency has the responsibility to improve conditions and opportunities for safe and convenient walking and bicycling and to integrate bicycling and pedestrian facilities into our transportation systems.
It is TxDOT’s policy to consider bicyclists and pedestrians in the development of transportation projects, as part of the design, construction, and maintenance of state roadways, and in the development of federally funded transportation projects.
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) involves the general public on pedestrian-related matters through public involvement and its Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC).
During the planning and design phases of a TxDOT project, public input (when applicable) as well as bicycle and pedestrian accommodation plans produced by cities, counties, and metropolitan planning organizations are considered. Local bicycle and pedestrian interest groups can also be contacted for public input.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has designated the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth as Pedestrian Focus Cities and the state of Texas as a Focus State due to the high rate of pedestrian crashes and fatalities. The North Central Texas region has seen a rise in the number and rate of pedestrian-related crashes and fatalities in recent years. In an effort to combat this trend, NCTCOG, in partnership with TxDOT and the Dallas and Fort Worth Districts, are developing a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan to identify policy and program action items based on Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation (the 5 E's).