FM 60 (Raymond Stotzer Parkway) overpass improvement
The purpose of this project is to address congestion and enhance safety at the intersections of FM 60 (Raymond Stotzer Parkway) and FM 2818 (Harvey Mitchell Parkway) entrance/exit ramps.
The project limits are from Turkey Creek Road to Research Parkway with a length of 0.5 mile. No additional right of way is required.
The project was let for construction in October 2016. Construction is expected to last 25 months beginning on March 6, 2017, with an estimated cost of $14.1 million.
- FM 60 serves as a main entrance to Brazos County with the crossing at the Brazos River, primary crosstown arterial for College Station and key access to Texas A&M University and Easterwood Airport
- With Texas A&M University enrollment exceeding 62,000 students, congestion has increased, especially during morning and afternoon rush hours, resulting in daily delays
Planned improvements
- Convert existing unsignalized at-grade intersections with the FM 2818 ramps into a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) with curbed islands and traffic signals
- Widen existing bridge over FM 2818 to six travel lanes (three west and three east) with protected pedestrian pathways and bicycle lanes
- A DDI will provide protected, free right- and left-hand turns, improving capacity through the intersections, reducing delays
- A DDI will also reduce vehicle, vehicle/bicycle and vehicle/pedestrian conflict points, enhancing safety
- An adjacent improvement project, FM 2818 (Harvey Mitchell Parkway) Widening, is under development at the same time