BS-6R (Texas Avenue) Improvements Project
The TxDOT Bryan District, in collaboration with the Bryan College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization (BCS MPO) and the city of Bryan, is finalizing plans to improve safety and mobility along BS 6-R (Texas Avenue) from Old Hearne Road to FM 60 (University Drive). The proposed Texas Avenue Improvements are being constructed in multiple phases.
Completed & ongoing construction
- Phase 1: SH 21 Intersection Improvements - construction anticipated to be complete in summer 2024.
- Phase 2A: Raised Medians - construction complete.
Future construction
- Phase 2B:
- Landscaping and traffic signal additions and upgrades – construction is anticipated to begin summer 2025.
- Shared use path, sidewalks, safety lighting, and U-turn loons – construction is anticipated to begin in late 2026.
Get involved
Public participation is encouraged throughout the design process and this website will be updated as opportunities are available. Public input is a highly valued and important part of creating improvements to address transportation needs. TxDOT is committed to working closely with the community to ensure that interested citizens can comment, voice concerns and ask questions. Please contact the project team with any questions or comments by using the contact information found in the “Contact Us” box to the right.
- Project Layout (December 2021)