BS 36J raised medians
TxDOT’s Bryan District is developing plans to enhance safety along BS 36J (also known as S Day Street) from W Stone Street to US 290 in Brenham, Washington County, Texas. The project would replace the existing center left-turn lane with raised medians and dedicated left-turn lanes at selected locations. The proposed raised median design would enhance safety by reducing vehicle conflicts between left-turning traffic and head-on traffic as well as crossing traffic from adjacent properties and local side streets. In addition, U-turn locations would be provided to accommodate turnaround movements allowing traffic to safely change direction of travel. Currently, one location along the project will require right-of-way acquisition.
Each year, TxDOT reviews our roadway system to determine priority locations for safety improvements. This section of BS 36J was evaluated and selected for project development, design, and construction. At this moment, the Bryan District office is developing the design and conducting environmental studies. Construction plans will be prepared with a target construction start date in spring 2025.
Public involvement
Public participation is encouraged throughout the design process and this website will be updated as opportunities are available. Public input is a highly valued and important part of creating improvements to address transportation needs. TxDOT is committed to working closely with the community to ensure that interested citizens can comment, voice concerns, and ask questions. Please contact the project team with any questions or comments by using the contact information found in the “Contact Us” box to the right.