FM 45 from the Mills County Line to Richland Springs North City Limit in San Saba County
TxDOT is proposing to reconstruct and widen the existing two-lane undivided roadway from the Mills county line to Richland Springs city limit in San Saba. This would consist of 12-foot-wide travel lanes and 8-foot-wide outside shoulders. The length of the FM 45 proposed widening improvement project is approximately 12.07 miles. The proposed project would require additional right of way estimated at 89.5 acres. Construction will be separated into four projects listed below based on available funding, listed by the project number (known as the Control Section Job Number – CSJ):
- CSJ 0480-08-027: This 8.88 acre segment is from 0.5 mile north of Wilbarger Creek to 0.5 mile south of Wilbarger Creek; construction is almost complete
The following sections will be letting (construction bidding) in 2024:
- CSJ 0480-08-024: This 42.87-acre section, which includes widening and construction is from Mills county line to FM 502
- CSJ 0480-08-025: This 36.07-acre section is from FM 502 to Richland Springs north city limits and also includes widening and reconstruction
- CSJ 0480-07-014 (at Colorado River) and CSJ 0480-08-028 (at Colorado River Relief): This 1.65 acre-section includes replacing the bridges
- Finalized schematic and environmental clearance – Spring 2018
- Beginning right-of-way acquisition – Early 2022
- Estimated construction start: 2024
- Estimated construction completion: Varies per project between 14-18 months
*Dates are contingent upon funding