Connecting Texas 2050 – Public Involvement
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Connecting Texas 2050 – Public Involvement

Connecting Texas 2050 featured a multifaceted public and stakeholder engagement process which focused on maximizing participation and input from all Texans. As such, TxDOT’s latest update to the statewide long-range transportation plan (SLRTP) reflects the needs and priorities of the diverse communities the agency serves. Engagement allowed for a more inclusive and transparent decision-making process, fostering trust, accountability, and collaboration throughout the planning process. The multilingual outreach allowed for the unique population and geographic diversity of the state to be represented. Public feedback informed the technical work, with input shaping the plan goals, objectives, and strategies.

Public and stakeholder engagement for the SLRTP started in the summer of 2022, which included coordination within TxDOT and the launch of our virtual engagement platform. TxDOT then leveraged a statistically valid statewide survey that captured over 4,800 respondents and 5,100 comments – including 110 completed through the dedicated Spanish phone-line.

Virtual and in-person meetings for all 25 TxDOT Districts fostered interest and feedback by providing the public the opportunity to learn about the plan, share their vision, provide input on multimodal goals, needs and strategies, and to tell their personal stories regarding how transportation impacts their daily life. There were two public meeting series in 2023, and each public meeting series focused on specific aspects of the plan so that public input could inform decision making. In the spring, TxDOT focused on gathering input from the public and stakeholders to understand transportation needs and challenges in different regions. In the fall, TxDOT shifted its focus to gathering feedback from the public and stakeholders to prioritize strategies to fulfill the identified needs.

In the spring of 2024, TxDOT developed and published the Connecting Texas 2050 Draft Plan for public review. Then, following the requirements of Title 43, Section 16.54 of the Texas Administrative Code, a statewide virtual public hearing was held with live webcast and an operator-moderated verbal comment session. Input received aided TxDOT in finalizing Connecting Texas 2050 before its submission to the Texas Transportation Commission who adopted it on July 30, 2024.

Public involvement library

Spring 2023 Public Meetings

In early 2023, TxDOT hit the road with open houses for thirteen TxDOT districts and a statewide virtual public meeting

Fall 2023 Public Meetings

Later in 2023, TxDOT returned to the public with twelve more in-person open houses with a statewide virtual public meeting

Virtual Public Hearing

Before submission to the Texas Transportation Commission, TxDOT held a virtual public hearing and comment period

Additional Outreach

TxDOT also visited public events and shared videos online to reach Texans in their everyday lives