Economic impact of general Aviation brochures
This study surveyed all airports in the Texas Airport System Plan (TASP) through in-person interviews, mail surveys and web-based survey instruments. The response rate from airport management approached 70 percent, considered high in economic impact research projects. When a brochure that details the specific impact of a particular airport is available, it is linked in the table below.
A non-responding airport, or an airport for which we do not have directly reported operating data, does not feature an airport-specific brochure below. However, estimates for non-responding airports are included in assessing statewide economic impacts.
To estimate operating characteristics, such as airport employment, for non-responding airports, we first categorized these airports based on operations levels using FAA 5010 data. We also considered broad location-based characteristics such as population density. We then calculated key operating expenditure estimates on a per-flight operation basis from a group of operationally-similar airports that provided data for this analysis.