Notice Affording Opportunity for a Public Hearing - FM 1776 From Two Miles South of FM 1450 to Two Miles North of FM 1450 in Pecos County
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is proposing to improve FM 1776 from 2 miles south of FM 1450 to 2 miles north of FM 1450 in Pecos County, Texas. The total distance of the project is approximately 4 miles. Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, §2.106 this notice is affording an opportunity for a public hearing on the proposed project.
The proposed FM 1776 project is located in northwestern Pecos County, north of the Town of Coyanosa, Texas. The existing FM 1776 intersects FM 1450 at an offset. The proposed roadway improvements would re-align FM 1776 to provide a continuous alignment bridging across FM 1450. The purpose of the project is to correct operational deficiencies and increase mobility in the project area.
The existing FM 1776 is an undivided roadway consisting of one 12-foot wide travel lane in each direction with 6-foot wide shoulders south of FM 1450 and 8-foot wide shoulders north of FM 1450. The existing FM 1450 within the proposed project area is an undivided roadway with one 12-foot wide travel lane in each direction with four-foot wide shoulders. The existing right-of-way (ROW) is 54.3 acres and the proposed ROW is anticipated to be 88.6 acres. The proposed improvements on FM 1776 would consist of one 12-foot wide travel lane in each direction with eight-foot wide shoulders and 12-foot wide left- and right-turn lanes at select locations. Within the project limits, FM 1450 would also be reconstructed to provide one 12-foot wide travel lane in each direction and one 12-foot wide acceleration lane with eight-foot wide shoulders. A 12‑foot wide, center, two-way left-turn lane would divide the eastbound and westbound lanes. Although additional ROW would be required, no residential or non-residential structures would be displaced. Information concerning services and benefits available to affected property owners and information about the tentative schedule for ROW acquisition may be obtained from the district office at the address listed below.
Request for Public Hearing:
Any interested person may submit comments or request a public hearing covering the social, economic and environmental effects of the proposed location and design for this project. Comments and requests for a public hearing must be submitted in writing on or before Monday, Feb. 24, 2020, to the TxDOT Odessa District Office, Gabriel Ramirez, P.E., Advanced Planning Engineer, 3901 E. Highway 80, Odessa, TX 79761. A hearing will be held if 10 or more individuals submit timely written requests for a hearing, or if an agency with jurisdiction over the project submits a timely written request for a hearing that is supported by reasons why a hearing will be helpful. .
Memorandum of Understanding:
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 9, 2019, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
Project Documents:
TxDOT Odessa District
3901 East Highway 80
Odessa, TX 79761
(432) 498-4697
Posted February 7, 2020