Open House - SL 335, from SW 9th Avenue to FM 1719 (Western Street)
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Open House - SL 335, from SW 9th Avenue to FM 1719 (Western Street)


Church at Quail Creek
801 Tascosa Road
Amarillo, TX 79124 (Map)


Tuesday, May 21, 2019
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.


The purpose of the open house is to share information and gather public input on proposed improvements to SL 335, Segment C-1, from SW 9th Avenue to FM 1719 (Western Street), in Potter County. The open house will convene with a short presentation from TxDOT at 6 p.m. Exhibit review, comments, and questions will be welcome after the presentation concludes. TxDOT personnel will be onsite to answer questions regarding the project.


The proposed project consists of converting an existing 2-lane roadway to a 4-lane freeway facility with ramps, one-way frontage roads, grade separations over intersecting cross streets and railroads. The proposed project will also provide bike and pedestrian accommodations. The open house will provide exhibits which include the proposed location of the corridor centerline and general proposed right-of-way (ROW) footprint; configuration and location of interchanges; bicycle and pedestrian accommodations; and the interim build configuration. The final determination of the ROW needed or residential/business relocation requirements will not be known until the schematic is refined. More information on SL 335 may be found on the project page.

Special Accommodations:

TxDOT makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. The meeting will be in English, if you have a special communication accommodation or need for an interpreter, a request can be made. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can also be made to accommodate most needs. Please call 806-356-3380 at least two working days prior to the meeting. Please be aware that advance notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for TxDOT to arrange.

Memorandum of Understanding:

The environmental review, consultation and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated Dec. 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.


TxDOT Amarillo District
5715 Canyon Drive
Amarillo, TX 79110

(806) 356-3200


Updated May 20, 2019