Public Meeting - I-20 at US 84 Interchange
Roscoe Collegiate High School Cafeteria
700 Elm Street
Roscoe, TX 79545 (Map)
Thursday, April 18, 2019
5-7 p.m.
TxDOT will conduct a public meeting to solicit public comment on proposed improvements to the I-20 and US 84 interchange in Roscoe. The interchange limits along I-20 are from east of Main Street (CR 608) to west of Loop 170 and along US 84 from south of Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) to I-20. The meeting will be an open house format where the public may come and go at their convenience. Staff will be available to answer questions and take comments. Written comments must be postmarked by Friday, May 3, 2019 to be included in public meeting documentation.
This project is being considered to improve safety and traffic flow through the interchange. The proposed project would potentially re-align a portion of I-20 main lanes and frontage roads, provide direct connections between I-20 and US 84 mainlanes, and update ramp configurations along I-20.
Special Accommodations:
TxDOT makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. The public meeting will be conducted in English. Persons interested in attending who have special communication needs or needs an interpreter, are encouraged to contact the TxDOT Abilene District Public Information Office at (325) 676-6817. Requests should be made at least five days prior to the public meeting.
Memorandum of Understanding:
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
TxDOT Abilene District
4250 N. Clack Street
Abilene, TX 79601
(325) 676-6800
Updated April 19, 2019