Precertification frequently asked questions
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Precertification frequently asked questions

If the employee was precertified in another firm, the employee can simply be transferred.

If the employee is new and has never been precertified with TxDOT, a precertification questionnaire for that employee must be submitted using the CCIS Online System.

According to TxDOT rules regarding precertification, the department has 60 days to review a precertification application after all the information is correctly entered into our database.

Precertification is determined by the information submitted in the "Personnel Information and Experience" section, specifically the "Projects" subsection. It is based on the minimum requirements for the categories as stated in precertification work categories, a list of all work categories and their minimum requirements.

TxDOT precertifies an individual in work categories for which he/she meets minimum requirements. The firm is then automatically precertified in those categories.

Any employee who wants to be precertified in a category must demonstrate that he/she meets the minimum requirements for that category by describing past work experience in the "Projects" subsection of the "Personnel Information and Experience" section of the Precertification Questionnaire.

Yes. If you only have one individual precertified in a category, your firm will lose that category if that person leaves your firm. A firm has 45 days to inform of changes such as these via email or in the CSS Online System

Records can be transferred from one firm to another, but TxDOT does not allow joint ventures. In other words, TxDOT does not allow an individual to be simultaneously employed by two firms (or on two payrolls) when working under a contract. To transfer records, contact our PEPS CCIS Precert Administator or phone at 512-960-5271.

You can re-apply at any time. Once you re-apply, TxDOT has 60 days to review your application.

After the review process is finished for you or for your firm, the CSS Online will either have a date of precertification or a reason for denial in the employee's categories section. You may check the status of the review daily in the CCIS Online System by looking at the employee's categories section.

An employee's projects information is reviewed by an expert in that particular field for any given category. The review officer makes a decision to grant precertification based on the information submitted in the "Projects" subsection of the "Personnel Information and Experience" section and according to the requirements as stated in the precertification work categories document. TxDOT does not give out the names of the review officers. 

In CCIS, the employee may use as many projects as they need to demonstrate their experience. In addition, the data fields for entering the description of the project and description of work done in the category do not have character limitations.

Yes, for the majority of the work categories, a professional engineer, architect, or land surveyor who is licensed in another jurisdiction or state may be precertified under this program. 

Although this license may be sufficient to meet the minimum requirements for precertification purposes, it is the responsibility of the individual to comply with the laws and rules governing the practice of their discipline within the state of Texas.  If the work category specifically states that license or registration in Texas is required, then the applicant must be licensed or registered in Texas.

Yes, for the majority of the work categories, a professional engineer, architect, or land surveyor who is licensed in Canada or Mexico may be precertified under this program.  

Although this license may be sufficient to meet the minimum requirements for precertification purposes, it is the responsibility of the individual to comply with the laws and rules governing the practice of their discipline within the state of Texas.  If the work category specifically states that license or registration in Texas is required, then the applicant must be licensed or registered in Texas.

Contact PEPS CCIS Precert Administator or phone at 512-960-5271.

The Professional Engineering Procurement Services (PEPS) Division is responsible for procuring engineering, architectural and surveying services through consultant contracts.