TIGER 2010
Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery
The United States Department of Transportation announced the availability of up to $600 million for National Infrastructure Investments, referred to as Transportation Infrastructure Generating Economic Recovery II Discretionary Grants.
TIGER II grants are for capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure and are to be awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area or a region.
TxDOT has submitted applications for the projects below. Supporting documentation for those projects is also provided.
El Paso Rail Relocation Planning Grant |
Grant Application |
South Texas Region - Rail Capacity Expansion |
Grant Application |
Cost-Benefit Analysis in Support of TIGER II Application |
Project Schedule |
Support Letters |
TIGER I and II Comparison |
Wage Rate Certification |
Tower 55 Multimodal Improvement Project |
Grant Application |
Supporting Documentation |