DBE certification through Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP)
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DBE certification through Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP)

The Texas Unified Certification Program is a certification program for the Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Programs in Texas. A business' DBE certification received from any TUCP member is valid and can be relied upon by any Texas entity that receives U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) funds.

Firms certified through the TUCP will have their business listed in a central directory. They can bid as a DBE at all participating state entities for all DOT transportation modes including aviation, highways, and public transportation. The information within the directory is not a guarantee of the DBE's capacity and ability to perform work.

In addition to TxDOT, the following agencies are members of the TUCP:

Note: No fee is associated with completing or submitting an ACDBE/DBE application.

Apply for certification

Small businesses desiring DBE certification must submit the following to the appropriate certifying agency (Use the TUCP certifying agencies regional map to determine the correct agency with which to apply):

You can also apply for DBE certification online through the Diversity Management System.

The application is also available in Chinese-Mandarin, Korean, and Spanish.

Declaration of Eligibility

You may submit the Declaration of Eligibility online at the Diversity Management System or submit the form to the Civil Rights Division. More information can be found on the DBE program page.

Interstate certification application

DBE firms certified in other states as their home state are required to follow the Interstate certification expectations as outlined in 49 CFR §26.85(c) of the Code of Federal Regulations. Below are links to the Texas Unified Certification Program Interstate certification checklist and cover letter:

You can submit the cover letter and supporting documents through the Diversity Management System or via hardcopy to the address below.