of 12 most populous cities in the U.S.
added to Texas population daily (on average)
With growth comes an increasing demand for safety, delivery, innovation, and stewardship.
“Connecting you with Texas” means making the best use of taxpayer dollars to build and maintain a transportation system that connects Texans safely and efficiently to family, jobs, travel, and economic opportunities.
- Build, maintain, and operate 200,000+ on-system lane miles
- Ensure safety of over 56,000 bridges
Since 2015, investments in multimodal mobility have helped move people and goods throughout Texas.
- $1.8+ billion for rural and urban transit systems
- $578 million for general aviation airports
- $295 million for repairs and improvements at highway rail crossings
- $737 million for public ports
Record investments drive economic development
$148 billion record 10-Year investment in Texas’ infrastructure system.
- $104 billion investment for 2025 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) - TxDOT’s 10-year plan for construction projects
- $44 billion for maintenance and project development for 9,000+ projects
- Per Texas A&M Transportation Institute, equals $29.4 billion per year in economic benefits, and an additional 71,500 direct and indirect jobs
In 2014 and 2015, Texas voters overwhelming supported Propositions 1 and 7 which fund 47% of the record $104 billion UTP investment.

Safety is #1 and every project is a safety project at TxDOT.
- TxDOT’s Road to Zero goal means zero fatalities on Texas roads by 2050
- $3.8 billion for over 6,900 data-driven projects (2015-2024) to engineer safety on Texas roads
- TxDOT Traffic Safety Data Portal on TxDOT.gov provides vital traffic safety data
- 5,000+ employees available to deploy when severe weather and disasters strike
Delivering on TxDOT's transportation programs
Executing on our promise to deliver crucial projects would not be possible without the 13,000+ people of TxDOT working with our public and private sector partners.
- Construction awards reached record levels in 2024
- $54.0 billion under contract
- $13.7 billion in new highway improvement and maintenance awards
TxDOT is reducing congestion statewide. Compared to 2014, Texans are driving 17% more miles while experiencing a 15% reduction in annual hours of delay and saving $316 annually on TxDOT roadways.
Texas Clear Lanes provides congestion relief
The Texas Clear Lanes (TCL) initiative provides much needed congestion relief in the state’s major metropolitan regions.
- $80 billion in non-tolled current and planned TCL projects in the Austin, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio regions (2015-2024)
- 21 projects completed
- 31 projects under construction
- 78 projects planned
The TCL initiative delivers results that Texans need and deserve. As an example of TCL projects being completed throughout the State of Texas:
- US 281 Phase 2 saw a 100% decrease in annual hours of delay and an annual savings of $346 for commuters in San Antonio*
- Southern Gateway at I-35/I-30 to US 67 resulted in a 77% decrease in annual hours of delay and an annual savings of $257 for commuters in Dallas*
*Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Statewide and rural connectivity
Statewide and rural roadways provide safe, reliable, and efficient travel to and from economic activity and population centers throughout Texas.
- From 2015 to 2024 TxDOT’s investment in rural areas of the state has grown from under $2 billion to over $18 billion, an 800% increase for rural transportation funding.
Energy sector
Texas’ transportation system plays a vital role in serving and facilitating the state’s energy sector.
- $2.7 billion in 2025 UTP for safety and maintenance on state highways in energy-producing regions of the state
- $1.3 billion will go directly to the Permian Basin region
Border region
TxDOT provides funding to border regions to provide and maintain infrastructure vital to facilitating Texas’ and the nation’s trade with Mexico.
- $8.1 billion investment in border district infrastructure since 2015
- 100% increase in funding from prior 10 years
TxDOT leverages technology and innovation to enhance safety, improve traffic management, and streamline agency operations across the state.
- Has adopted an agency-wide AI Strategic Plan
- 21 active autonomous vehicle companies deployed throughout Texas
- TxDOT’s Unmanned Aerial Systems training program is nationally recognized

Greg Abbott
Texas Transportation Commission

J. Bruce Bugg, Jr.

W. Alvin New

Robert C. Vaughn

Alejandro "Alex" G. Meade III

Steven D. Alvis

Marc Williams
TxDOT Executive Director
Visit the Texas Clear Lanes website for more information about addressing congestion in our metro areas.
Project Tracker gives Texans details about TxDOT construction projects.
DriveTexas provides real-time information about highway conditions across Texas.