Austin District standards and guidance
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Austin District standards and guidance

The following Austin District Standard Sheets are provided in the following formats: MicroStation V8i design file (DGN) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF).

Date Description DGN PDF
09/24 Driveways and mailbox turnouts DWMB-24 (AUS) DWMB-24 (AUS)
05/22 Flexible pavement details FLEXPAVE-22 (AUS) FLEXPAVE-22 (AUS)
02/23 Miscellaneous curb, path, sidewalk and median details MCPSWMD-23 (AUS) MCPSWMD-23 (AUS)
09/20 Prep R.O.W. pruning detail PRWPD-20 (AUS) PRWPD-20 (AUS)
09/20 Painting structure numbers PSN-19 (AUS) PSN-19 (AUS)
09/20 TCEQ requirements for the contributing zone of the Edwards Aquifer TCEQ-CZ-19 (AUS) TCEQ-CZ-19 (AUS)
09/20 TCEQ requirements for the recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer TCEQ-RZ-19 (AUS) TCEQ-RZ-19 (AUS)
09/20 Tree protection details TPD-19 (AUS) TPD-19 (AUS)
09/20 Void mitigation notes VMD-18 (AUS) VMD-18 (AUS)

The following documents contain the recommended guidelines, procedures and criteria for developing PS&E projects within the Austin District.

Austin District Project Development guidance

Austin District Utility guidance
