Labor Day
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Labor Day

The Drive Sober. No Regrets. statewide impaired driving campaign is an annual statewide effort by TxDOT to raise awareness about the dangers of driving after drinking, especially around Labor Day when many people are celebrating the end of summer.

Labor Day weekend should be a time for people to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous holiday—because of drunk driving, many Texans lose their life or their loved ones to a senseless, preventable tragedy.

The campaign urges Texans who decide to drink to make the right decision and plan ahead for a sober ride by taking a rideshare, taxi, public transit or designated driver. Drunk driving crashes are inexcusable and 100% preventable.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will have an increased enforcement period from Aug. 18 to Sept. 4 when Texas law enforcement will increase their efforts to pull over motorists suspected of drunk driving.

To learn more about the real costs of drunk driving and to find tips for a sober ride, visit Follow the hashtag #DriveSoberNoRegrets to keep up with the campaign on social media.



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