Business US 190 Improvements
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Business US 190 Improvements

Project history and schedule

TxDOT, in coordination with the City of Copperas Cove, is developing plans for improvements to US Business 190 from Constitution Drive to East Avenue D. The project consists of the construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and a raised median in certain areas as determined feasible during project design and development.


The proposed project would:

  • Improve safety by introducing a raised, central median to divide westbound and eastbound traffic.
  • Improve access management by providing median openings including left and right-turns at most public roadway intersections and optimizing driveway placement along the corridor.
  • Provide pedestrian and bicycle accommodations in the form of a six-foot wide sidewalk, an eastbound five-foot wide bicycle lane, and a westbound 14-foot wide outside shared-use lane.
