SL 368 Broadway
Roy Smith to Burr Road
Project description
TxDOT is moving forward with a transportation improvement project that will enhance mobility along the SL 368 (Broadway) corridor from Roy Smith to Burr Road in the citiy of San Antonio.
The SL 368 project will meet the immediate needs of the corridor with safety, maintenance and operational enhancements that aim to benefit the traveling public.
Segment 1 – Roy Smith to Burr Road (City of San Antonio)
Potential Improvements:
- Maintain existing roadway capacity with 3-lanes in each direction
- Mill and overlay
- Restriping of roadway
- Upgrade ADA accessibility at intersections
- Sidewalk and curb repairs
- Surface drainage improvements
- Upgrade traffic and pedestrian signals
- Repair pavement failures
- Sign replacements
Estimated Costs: $10.5 million
Estimated timeline: Fall 2023 to Spring 2025
Traffic and construction updates
Throughout construction, drivers may experience temporary traffic shifts and overnight lane closures. Temporary digital message boards placed along the route will alert drivers to lane closures and construction activity. Please follow the posted signs around all closures and detours. We appreciate the traveling public’s patience while construction is underway.