I-410 SW from SH 16 to Ingram Road
Project description
TxDOT is proposing to improve I-410 from SH 16 to Ingram Road, a distance of approximately 14.9 miles in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The proposed project includes upgrading ramps and direct connectors at the I-410/I-35 interchange, constructing additional travel lanes and widening existing travel lanes, constructing new bridges, widening existing frontage roads, and providing bike and pedestrian accommodations. The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and safety and improve connections between I-35 and I-410.
The existing right-of-way (ROW) varies from 300 feet to 400 feet wide. Proposed ROW will vary between 300 feet and 500 feet along the length of the project. Approximately 25.19 acres of additional ROW would be required for the proposed improvements. Although additional ROW is required, no residential or non-residential displacements would occur. Information concerning services and benefits available to affected property owners about the tentative schedule for ROW acquisition may be obtained from the District Office at the address listed below.
Public involvement
The purpose of public involvement is to share project information and updates, present proposed schematics of the project and collect input from the community. TxDOT is committed to working closely with the community on this project.