I-410 at US 281 and San Pedro Improvements Project
Project background
In 2018 TxDOT completed the I-410-US 281 San Pedro Avenue Interchange Study, to identify potential mobility improvements in the vicinity of I-410, US 281, and San Pedro Avenue in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The I-410 corridor is listed among the 100 most congested roadways in Texas. The study team engaged area neighborhoods, businesses, transportation providers, and the general public regarding transportation problems and possible solutions. The study team also analyzed existing traffic conditions, modeled future conditions under “build” and “no build” scenarios, and developed conceptual design improvements. Based on input received during the interchange study and the additional analysis, TxDOT concluded the proposed improvements would be carried forward for further evaluation through the schematic and National Environmental Policy Act process.
TxDOT’s primary project goals are to improve safety, relieve congestion, and improve mobility.
Current effort
The proposed improvements below are the result of additional analysis of the interchange study described above. The interchange study was advanced to the preliminary schematic and environmental review phase. Generally, the proposed improvements would address various concerns (i.e. need for the project) about traffic operations such as merging and weaving, bottlenecks, signal timing, and queueing. The proposed improvements would separate traffic to eliminate potential conflicts (reduce crashes), add capacity to reduce congestion, and reconfigure various elements for improved mobility.
The proposed improvements are at various locations along I-410, US 281, and San Pedro Avenue at I-410 in the cities of San Antonio and Castle Hills, Texas.
Proposed improvements
I-410 proposed improvements
The proposed improvements to I-410 from West Avenue to Broadway Street would include removing ramps; reconstructing ramps; reconfiguring ramps; constructing new ramps; constructing auxiliary lanes and concrete median barriers; widening and realigning frontage roads; improving intersections; and restriping roadways. I-410 would retain four to six mainlanes with two- to four-lane frontage roads as well as intermittent, non-continuous auxiliary lanes. Direct connectors and ramps would still provide access to major intersecting roads. The proposed improvements would also include constructing a T-intersection in place of a Y-intersection to connect the I-410 westbound frontage road and Crownhill Boulevard, and realigning the direct connector bridge to NW Military Highway from the I-410 westbound mainlanes. The proposed improvements would also include restricting northbound and southbound movements at the I-410 and McCullough Avenue intersection. Northbound and southbound McCullough Avenue lanes would consist of right-turn lanes only, allowing traffic to turn solely onto I-410. Drivers wishing to access the eastbound I-410 or mainlanes and frontage road lanes would use a newly configured turnaround lane at San Pedro Avenue.
US 281 proposed improvements
The proposed improvements to US 281 from I-410 to E. Nakoma Drive would include removing ramps; reconstructing ramps, adding auxiliary lanes, restriping roadways, and constructing a southbound collector-distributor. US 281 would generally consist of three to four mainlanes as well as intermittent, non-continuous auxiliary lanes, with one- to two-lane frontage roads. The proposed improvements also include partial reconstruction of the Rhapsody Drive bridge over the existing southbound US 281 mainlanes and the proposed southbound collector-distributor.
San Pedro avenue at I-410 proposed improvements
The proposed improvements to San Pedro Avenue from US 281 to I-410 would include improving intersetions, constructing turn lanes, and restriping roadways. San Pedro Avenue would still generally retain three lanes in each direction with new additional turn lanes.
Get involved
Public involvement opportunities will be provided throughout the project development process.