Diboll relief route
This project is dedicated to improving safety and mobility on US 59 near the city of Diboll. Studies for the Diboll Relief Route began in the 1990’s and concluded with TxDOT receiving approval of the schematic and environmental studies in 1999. TxDOT soon began purchasing right of way; however, due to budgetary constraints, ROW acquisitions were stopped.
Development of the Diboll Relief Route was revived after being identified as the top priority of I-69 development in Angelina County by the I-69 Angelina and Nacogdoches Counties Committee in 2013. TxDOT held an open house on Jan. 22, 2015, to display the schematic that had been updated to meet current interstate standards and to gather information and comments from the public. After the open house, TxDOT compiled the comments and made further revisions to the schematic to address comments. Some of those changes included lengthening several ramps to provide access to landlocked parcels, reconfiguring the south interchange to a more conventional diamond interchange and providing a city street connection from Old Diboll Highway to the FM 2108 Interchange. Please see the links below for the approved schematic and public meeting summary, and resolution of support from Angelina County.
Project timeline
- Approvals of schematic and environmental reevaluation were received in March and June 2016, respectively.
- Construction funding was allocated in the Unified Transportation Program in 2017 and subsequently in the 2019 – 2022 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
- Detailed engineering, necessary environmental permits, ROW acquisitions and utility relocations were completed in fall 2019.
- Sacyr Construction USA LLC was awarded the $140.1M project and began construction in April 2020. The project is anticipated to be completed in winter 2025, weather permitting.
Construction information
- Construct new location northbound and southbound US 59 mainlanes
- Provide overpasses at FM 1818 and several local roadways