Laredo I-35 Corridor Project
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Laredo I-35 Corridor Project

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Laredo District is proposing improvements to approximately 24-miles of I-35 in northern Laredo and Webb counties.

Proposed improvements include the following:

  • Shiloh Road to US 59 Loop: Adding additional travel lanes (from 2 to 3) in each direction. This widening would require that the crossing at the U-P Railroad be changed from under the rail line to over the rail line. Funded for construction in FY 2021 ($64 Million).
  • Completing the design of the remaining five direct connectors between I-35 and the US 59 Loop. At this time, only one DC is funded – DC#5 from westbound US 59 Loop to southbound I-35 for construction in FY 2019 ($30 Million).
  • Reconfiguring the I-35 frontage roads and crossover at Killam Industrial Blvd. intersection. (Unfunded).
  • Reconstructing and widening the overpass at Uniroyal Road; this work would also include reconfiguring the frontage road and on/off ramps in this area. Funded for construction in 2021 ($65 Million).
  • Widening the I-35 main lanes from Uniroyal to Mile Marker (MM) 30. (Unfunded).
  • Reconstructing the U-P Railroad crossing at MM 19 from under to over the rail line to allow for the widening of the main lanes. This work would also provide for an improved interchange at the US 83 intersection. Additional right-of-way would be required to implement this work. Funded for construction in 2021 ($75 Million).

These I-35 upgrades would fully integrate with the other proposed projects including the Vallecillo Road and Hachar Parkway that are being proposed by the City of Laredo, Webb County, and the WC-CL Regional Mobility Authority.

Get involved

The purpose of the open houses and public hearings is to share project information and updates, present proposed schematics of the proposed project and alternatives, and collect input from the community. TxDOT is committed to working closely with the community on this project. All input will be considered as TxDOT moves forward in developing a plan that will enhance the safety of this corridor while preparing for future growth.
