SH 358 reconstruction
In January 2018, TxDOT initiated construction along a 15-mile section of State Highway 358 (South Padre Island Drive) in Corpus Christi, Texas, Nueces County, to enhance safety and increase mobility. The four-year project consists of multiple phases and is located on SH 358 from just north of Leopard Street to just east of Flour Bluff Drive.
The project includes the following improvements to address safety and mobility:
- Reconstructing several eastbound entrances and exit ramps between Ayers Street and Nile Drive, including:
- “Reversing ramps” between Weber Road and South Staples Street. This involves converting existing entrance ramps into exit ramps and vice-versa, similar in design to the previously “reversed” westbound ramps between Weber Road and Airline Road.
- Relocating the exit ramps serving Kostoryz Road/Carroll Lane and Weber Road.
- These ramp reversals and relocations will increase safety and mobility by providing additional distance for exiting vehicles and frontage road traffic to merge and queue while approaching signalized intersections.
- Widening and constructing new auxiliary, or "merge," lanes on the eastbound mainlanes and frontage road between Ayers Street and Nile Drive to allow drivers entering and exiting the highway to safely merge with other traffic.
- Improve lighting and reconstruct the existing mainlane median barrier between Ayers Street and Nile Drive to enhance safety.
- Constructing new sidewalks between Ayers Street and Nile Drive to improve safety and access for pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Improving traffic signal timing and connectivity along the eastbound frontage road to increase mobility
- Improving Intelligent Transportation Systems along the entire corridor to provide drivers and emergency responders with accurate and up-to-the-minute traffic information.
Project phasing
The project is being constructed in 10 phases and is expected to be completed in late summer 2022. More information on the activities associated with each phase and the projected timeline can be found on the Project Fact Sheet and the detailed SH 358 Reconstruction Presentation.
The following activities are planned through summer 2022*:
Mainlane median barrier reconstruction
- Workers will construct the last remaining section of the permanent center barrier to Airline. Drivers should expect overnight freeway closures to allow the contractor to remove the remaining temporary barrier and construct the new cast-in-place barrier.
Eastbound mainlane pavement work
- Once the remaining section of the permanent center barrier is complete, workers will begin placing new pavement on the eastbound mainlanes from Ayers to Airline. Drivers should expect numerous night-time mainlane, entrance ramp, and exit ramp closures throughout the summer to complete the pavement work. Traffic will be detoured to the eastbound frontage road. Once the pavement operation is complete, workers will perform final striping on the eastbound mainlanes from Ayers to Airline in late summer.
Eastbound frontage road pavement work
- New pavement will also be placed on the eastbound frontage road from Ayers to Airline this summer. Drivers should expect night-time exit and entrance ramp closures as well as single-lane frontage road closures during the pavement work. Driveway access to all businesses and properties will remain open. Once the pavement operation is complete, workers will perform final striping on the eastbound frontage road from Kostoryz to Airline in late summer.
- Signage along the frontage roads and at intersections under SH 358 will be installed through late summer. Drivers should expect temporary daytime and nighttime frontage road lane and turnaround closures during signage installation.
* All estimated completion times are based on the TxDOT contractor’s latest schedule information and are subject to change.
Traffic updates
During project construction, drivers on SH 358 in Corpus Christi may experience delays due to temporary closures of the highway mainlanes, eastbound and westbound frontage road lanes, and intersections/turnarounds. Most closures will take place during off-peak hours, typically between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., though the times and days may vary. The speed limit within the construction zone from Ayers Street to Nile Drive is reduced to 55 miles per hour on the mainlanes and 40 miles per hour on the eastbound frontage road. Drivers need to watch for construction workers and drive the speed limit in the construction area.
Please monitor electronic message signs near the construction site for daily updates, as well as Drive Texas and the Corpus Christi District's Twitter feed. Weekly traffic updates are also available for viewing here. Sign up to receive these updates here.
- Project Fact Sheet
- SH 358 Reconstruction Presentation
- Weekly Traffic Updates and Project Newsletters
Get involved
- Sign up to receive traffic updates and project newsletters using the SH 358 email update form.
- Submit a question or comment on the SH 358 Reconstruction Comment Form.