I-37 Redbird to US 77 / Nueces River Bridge
TxDOT is constructing improvements to Interstate 37 from Redbird Lane to U.S. Highway 77 Interchange in Nueces and San Patricio Counties.
Approximately 45,000 vehicles travel this section of the highway each day. The project area is part of a major northbound hurricane evacuation route and serves as a southbound “gateway” into Corpus Christi.
The project is approximately 2.3 miles long and construction is expected to last 5.5 years.
Proposed benefits
The proposed project is anticipated to improve safety, mobility and resiliency on I-37.
Proposed improvements
The $85.7 million project includes:
- Widening the I-37 mainlanes to four lanes in each direction with widened shoulders
- Increasing the width and height of the Nueces River bridges to make them more resilient to storm surges and flooding while maintaining efficient access to and from Corpus Christi
- Rebuilding the cross-street bridge and the I-37 northbound bridge over southbound US 77
- Reconfiguring the I-37 entrance and exit ramps
During construction, access to Labonte Park will be maintained. However, the boat ramp may be closed temporarily to maintain safety.
Project phasing
To minimize impacts to motorists, the project will be constructed in four phases:
Phase 1
- Remove cross-street bridge over I-37 at US 77 and detour southbound I-37 to northbound US 77 traffic
- Reconstruct the I-37 northbound and southbound inside mainlanes
- Construct a southbound entrance and exit ramps between Sharpsburg/Ripple Road and the Nueces River
- Construct a new boat ramp turnaround at Nueces River
- Build a new I-37 northbound bridge over the US 77 direct connector
Phase 2
- Reconstruct the I-37 southbound outside mainlanes
- Open the southbound Sharpsburg Road exit ramp
- Open the southbound entrance ramp
Phase 3
- Build the I-37 northbound outside mainlanes
- Complete and open the cross-street bridge over I-37 at US 77
- Construct and open the northbound Labonte Park exit ramp
- Open the northbound Sharpsburg entrance ramp to I-37
- Construct and open the northbound US 77 direct connector
- Install intelligent traffic system, lighting, and signage
Phase 4
- Shift traffic to final roadway layout
- Lay final pavement surface on new ramps, frontage roads and mainlanes
Lane closures and traffic updates
Three mainlanes will be maintained in each direction for northbound and southbound drivers during construction. Mainlanes will temporarily operate at a reduced width (narrowed from 12 feet to 11 feet) with one-foot shoulders. In addition, all mainlanes and the hurricane evacuation lane will remain open during any anticipated hurricane landfall.
During construction, drivers may experience temporary nighttime lane closures between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. However, no closures are expected to take place during Friday nights or major holidays. The speed limit within the construction zone will be reduced to 60 miles per hour on the mainlanes. TxDOT is reminding drivers to slow down and watch for construction workers, slow traffic, and heavy equipment.
For daily updates, lane closures, and other traffic information, visit Drive Texas and TxDOT’s Corpus Christi District's Twitter feed. Also, make sure to pay attention to electronic message boards located near or in the construction site for other traffic updates.
Public involvement
TxDOT is committed to working closely with the community on the development of this project. The following were meetings or hearings used to gather public input: