I-30 corridor - Bowie County
This project consists of widening of I-30 from 0.6 mile west of FM 989 to the Arkansas State Line to improve mobility and enhance safety. The approximate six-mile project includes:
Interstate 30 provides an important west-east connection for travel and trade. As the Interstate System ages, and population and trade increase in Texas, it is necessary to improve mobility and safety along this corridor. The Atlanta District is planning for several improvements to the mobility and safety aspects of the roadway along the I-30 Corridor in Bowie County. The project listed below as the I-30 Widening Project includes the widening of I-30 from a four-lane divided interstate to a six-lane divided interstate from 0.6-mile west of FM 989 to the Arkansas State Line. The next proposed project for the I-30 Corridor extends from FM 3419 to FM 989. This project includes extending the one-way frontage system by constructing an east-side turn-around at FM 3419, constructing a west-side turnaround bridge at FM 989, and replacing the main lane FM 989 bridge.
Future construction projects will be posted on this page.
Corridor projects
I-30 Widening Project: Four Lane to Six Lane
CSJ: 0610-07-113
This project consists of widening of I-30 from 0.6 mile west of FM 989 to the Arkansas State Line to improve mobility and enhance safety. The approximate six-mile project includes:
- Widening I-30 from four to six 12-foot wide travel lanes with 10-foot wide inside and outside shoulders with a continuous concrete median barrier
- Replacing the existing mainlane bridges over the Kansas City Southern Railroad
- Reconstructing existing asphalt pavement with continuously reinforced concrete pavement
I-30 Frontage Road Project from FM 3419 to FM 989
CSJ: 0610-07-097
This approximate 2.5-mile project along I-30 from FM 3419 to FM 989 consists of the following:
- Construction of continuous one-way frontage roads from FM 3419 to FM 989
- Construction of turnaround bridges on the east side of FM 3419 and west side of FM 989
- Construction of turnarounds under the I-30 Overpass of FM 2148
- Eastbound I-30
- Construct a new exit ramp to FM 2148
- Construct a new entrance ramp from FM 3419/FM 2148
- Westbound I-30
- Relocate the existing entrance ramp from west of FM 989 to west of FM 2148
- Construct an exit ramp to FM 2148/FM 3419
I-30 Bridge Replacement and Widening at FM 989
CSJ: 1231-01-066
This project consists of the replacement of the main lane bridge over I-30 at the FM 989 intersection and widening FM 989 from I-30 north frontage road to Gibson Lane.
I-30 Bridge Replacement at FM 3419
CSJ: 0610-07-115
This project consists of the replacement of the main lane bridge over I-30 at the FM 3419 intersection and reconstructing the frontage road intersections north and south of I-30. This project will also connect the proposed one-way frontage system east of FM 3419 to FM 3419.