I-27, Randall County, from north of Western Street in Amarillo to south of the US 60 Interchange, north of Canyon
Projects overview
TxDOT's Amarillo District is proposing improvements to I-27 in Randall County, from north of Western Street in Amarillo to south of the US 60 Interchange which is north of Canyon. The proposed improvements consist of adding capacity to a freight corridor by widening from four-mainlanes to six-mainlanes, improving ramps and frontage roads, reconstructing, and improving the vertical clearance on grade separations. The project is approximately 8.8 miles in length.
Project purpose
The purpose of the proposed project is to reduce congestion and improve mobility and safety by providing additional roadway capacity. Additionally, this project is proposed to meet future traffic demands due to population growth and increased traffic volumes within Amarillo and in the connection to Canyon. This project is on the Amarillo MPO’s priority list of projects.
Proposed improvements
The proposed project would:
- Upgrade I-27 from four mainlanes to six mainlanes (three in each direction) within the existing right-of-way
- Improve frontage roads from rural to urban design within the City of Amarillo
- Reconstruct/Improve the grade separation and ramps at Western/Hillside Streets
- Reconstruct the grade separations and ramps at Bell, Sundown, Rockwell, and FM 2219
- Improve the drainage along the corridor
- Provide ADA accommodations, shared-use lanes, and sidewalks (where applicable), throughout the project corridor.
Project status
- Preliminary Engineering - Schematic and environment development beginning spring 2019
- Plans Specifications and Estimate – Plan development to be determined
- Construction – May be phased construction dependent on the availability of funding
- Funding – Currently there is no construction funding identified
- ROW – Right-Of-Way needs to be determined. Expected minimal needs at the grade separations.
Get involved
The purpose of the open houses and public meetings is to share project information and updates, present proposed schematics of the proposed project and alternatives and collect input from the community. TxDOT is committed to working closely with the community on this project. Links to the meetings will be updated here as they are scheduled.