Houston/Southeast Texas truck parking action plan
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Houston/Southeast Texas truck parking action plan

The Southeast Texas Truck Parking Action Plan builds upon TxDOT’s 2020 Statewide Truck Parking Study completed in April 2020. The plan focuses on finding solutions for safe truck parking in the Houston and Beaumont TxDOT Districts.

The study includes coordination with the Houston-Galveston Area Council and the Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission, as well as deep draft ports in the study area.

Stakeholder engagement and schedule

TxDOT will engage agency and industry stakeholders to help develop a regional Truck Parking Action Plan for the Southeast region by the spring of 2024.

The plan, vision, goals, and objectives were developed in the fall of 2022. In early fall 2023, the plan identified truck parking needs and began engaging external agency partners and industry partners. These efforts included a workshop with the Beaumont and Houston TxDOT districts in September 2023 to identify and prioritize truck parking needs. These needs included truck parking demand, safety, and equity analysis.

Between fall 2023 and spring 2024, freight industry surveys and stakeholder interviews will be conducted to help identify improvement strategies. Public input will be gathered throughout the study. Additional outreach will be conducted to vet the strategies and move into the conceptual design for truck parking sites, including location and access studies, conceptual design for new truck parking sites, and preliminary cost estimates. These efforts will lead to a final truck parking action plan being ready in the spring of 2024.

