Virtual Public Meeting - US 59 and US 77 Widening Project
Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
Virtual Public Meeting - WebEX meeting link - Join Meeting
Meeting Number (access code): 160 072 6497
Join By Phone
Dial: 1-415-655-0003
Access Code: 160 072 6497
The purpose of the virtual public meeting is to gather public input on proposed improvements to U.S. Highway (US) 59 and US 77 in Victoria County, Texas. Project staff will give a pre-recorded presentation regarding the project and an opportunity for questions will be provided following the presentation. The pre-recorded presentation will include both audio and visual components. If you do not have internet access, you may call (361) 293-4363 to ask questions about the project and access project materials at any time during the project development process. Formal comments may be provided by mail, email or online link by Sept. 9, 2020 as explained below.
The proposed improvements to this US 59/US 77 corridor is to upgrade to a controlled access facility. This includes the construction of divided mainlanes that consist of four 12-foot-wide travel lanes, two in each direction and 10-foot-wide outside shoulders. One-way frontage roads that consist of two 12-foot-wide travel lanes with a 4-foot inside shoulder and a 10-foot outside shoulder will also be constructed throughout the project limits. The project will include the construction of direct connectors for US 59 Northbound and Southbound at BU 59. A grade separated interchange is proposed at US 77 and Old Goliad Road. Depending on the alternative chosen, approximately 46 to 97 acres of proposed ROW would be required for the proposed project. No sidewalks or easements are currently proposed. No temporary or permanent easements are anticipated.
Special Accommodation:
TxDOT makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. This meeting will be conducted in English. If you have special communication or accommodation needs, or have a need for an interpreter, a request can be made. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can also be made to accommodate most needs. Please call (361) 293.4436 no later than Aug. 21, 2020. Please be aware that advance notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for TxDOT to arrange.