Notice of Availability - Texas Transportation Plan (TTP) 2050 Outreach Plan
This notice advises the public that the Outreach Plan for the Texas Transportation Plan (TTP) 2050 is available for viewing and comment. The Texas Transportation Plan (TTP 2050) is the most recent update to the state’s long-range transportation plan. The TTP sets the direction for the future of Texas’ multimodal transportation system by informing investment strategies tailored to make progress towards TXDOT’s performance goals and objectives.
TxDOT's long-range multimodal statewide transportation plan, TTP 2050 will provide an objective and transparent decision-making framework, better manage transportation infrastructure, prioritize multimodal needs, and align resources to achieve the most beneficial performance outcomes to meet long-term goals and objectives.
Copies of the TTP 2050 Outreach Plan are available for public inspection at TxDOT's Planning and Programming Division, located at 118 E. Riverside, Austin, Texas 78701, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. excluding state holidays. The public may also contact TxDOT at (512) 486-5132 with any questions. Comments will be received through March 8, 2019.
TxDOT TPP Division TTP 2050
P.O. Box 149217
Austin, TX 78714-9217
(512) 486-5132
Posted: Feb. 12, 2019