Statewide Transportation Improvement Program for FY 2025-2028
Virtual public hearing
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. CST
Comment deadline period | In order to be considered, all written comments must be received at the Transportation Planning and Programming office by 4:00 p.m. CST on Monday, September 23, 2024. |
Virtual details | The hearing will be conducted via electronic means. Instructions for accessing the hearing are as listed:
Purpose | To receive public comments on the 2025-2028 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. |
Description | The STIP reflects the federally funded transportation projects in the FY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) for each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in the state. The STIP includes both state and federally funded projects for the nonattainment areas of Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso, Houston and San Antonio. The STIP also contains information on federally funded projects in rural areas that are not included in any MPO area, and other statewide programs as listed. Title 23, United States Code, §134 and §135 require each designated MPO and the state, respectively, to develop a TIP and STIP as a condition to securing federal funds for transportation projects under Title 23 or the Federal Transit Act (49 USC §5301, et seq.). Section 134 requires an MPO to develop its TIP in cooperation with the state and affected public transit operators and to provide an opportunity for interested parties to participate in the development of the program. Section 135 requires the state to develop a STIP for all areas of the state in cooperation with the designated MPOs and, with respect to non-metropolitan areas, in consultation with affected local officials, and further requires an opportunity for participation by interested parties as well as approval by the Governor or the Governor's designee. A copy of the proposed FY 2025-2028 will be available for review, at the time the notice of hearing is published, on the department's website. |
Accessibility | The public hearing will be conducted in English. Persons who have special communication or accommodation needs and who plan to participate in the hearing are encouraged to contact the Transportation Planning and Programming Division, at 512-484-9813. Requests should be made at least three working days prior to the public hearing. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate the needs. |
Hearing materials |
How to make comments | Any interested person may offer comments or testimony in the following ways:
In order to be considered, all written comments must be received at the Transportation Planning and Programming office by 4:00 p.m. CST on Monday, September 23, 2024. |
Posted on: August 22, 2024