Notice of Draft Environmental Assessment and Public Hearing - Nolana Loop from FM 1426 to FM 88
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Notice of Draft Environmental Assessment and Public Hearing - Nolana Loop from FM 1426 to FM 88


Donna North High School - Auditorium
7250 Val Verde Rd.
Donna, TX 78537 (Map)


Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019
Open House: 5:00 p.m. .
Public Hearing: 6:00 p.m.


TxDOT, in conjunction with Hidalgo County, is proposing to widen, reconstruct, and extend Nolana Loop from FM 1426 (Raul Longoria Road) to FM 88 (Texas Avenue) in Hidalgo County, Texas. The purpose of the hearing is to present the planned improvements and to receive public comment on the proposed project. Displays will be available for viewing at 5 PM with the formal hearing starting at 6 PM. The public will be able to review available project information and exhibits, discuss the project with project staff, and ask questions. Comments must be received on or before Thursday, December 5, 2019 to be part of the official hearing record.


The purpose of the Nolana Loop project is to improve mobility and accommodate current and future traffic volumes. The existing roadway is partially located in the City of San Juan and Hidalgo County. An existing 30 to 120-foot-wide Right-Of-Way (ROW) would be used where available. Nolana Loop would be constructed as an 84-foot wide urban type facility consisting of four 12-foot-wide travel lanes, one 16-foot-wide continuous left turn lane, two 10-foot-wide shoulders, and six-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the roadway within a proposed 120-foot-wide ROW throughout the length of the (9.8 miles) of project. Drainage would be provided by a storm drain system. Cesar Chavez Road would be improved to include a left turn lane at its intersection with Nolana Loop. Nine existing drainage outfalls located within the project limits would be cleaned of debris, as needed. An existing outfall located between Old La Blanca Road and FM 493 would be shifted approximately 40-feet north of its current location within the existing drainage ditch ROW. 

The proposed project would require approximately 82.6 acres of additional ROW, and displace seven residences and one commercial structure. Information about the Relocation Assistance Program, benefits, and services for displacees, as well as information about the tentative schedules for ROW acquisition and construction can be obtained from the Hidalgo County Pct. #2 office located at 300 W. Hall Acres, Ste. G in Pharr, Texas.

Special Accommodations:

Spanish translation services will be available. If you have a special communication or accommodation needs please call (956) 702-6161 at least two working days prior to the meeting. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accomodate the needs of the public.

Memorandum of Understanding:

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.


TxDOT Pharr District
600 W. I-2
Pharr, TX 78577

(956) 702-6100
