Notice of Availability of Finding of No Significant Impact - US 62/180
This notice is to advise the public that TxDOT has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed US 62/180 (Montana Avenue) project from Global Reach Drive to FM 659 (N. Zaragoza Road) in El Paso County.
The proposed US 62/180 (Montana Avenue) project would construct three, controlled-access main lanes and frontage roads in each direction along US 62/180 (Montana Avenue) from Global Reach Drive to FM 659 (N. Zaragoza Road). The main lanes would be elevated to pass over Global Reach Drive, N. Lee Trevino Drive, Wooster Lane, George Dieter Drive, Tierra Este Road, Rich Beem Boulevard, and Square Dance Road, and depressed to pass under Saul Kleinfeld Road and SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard). The typical main lane section would include 116 feet of pavement, with 58 feet in each direction, separated by a 2-ft flush median with a continuous longitudinal barrier. Each direction would be configured with three 12-foot main lanes, a 11-foot inside shoulder, and a 10-foot outside shoulder.
Three frontage road lanes would be constructed in each direction between Global Reach Drive and SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard), and two frontage road lanes would be constructed in each direction between SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard) and FM 659 (N. Zaragoza Road). The three existing eastbound lanes of US 62/180 (Montana Avenue) from N. Lee Trevino Drive to SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard) would serve as the eastbound frontage road in the final configuration.
At the western project terminus, two direct connector ramps would be constructed at US 62/180 (Montana Avenue) and Global Reach Drive. Four direct connectors would be constructed at US 62/180 (Montana Avenue) and SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard).
The proposed project would install a storm drain system to convey stormwater through the system and into the proposed retention basins. Nine retention basins would be constructed under implementation of the proposed project.
From Global Reach Drive to SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard), the proposed project would include a 12-foot shared-use path on the outside of the westbound frontage road; the eastbound direction would include a 5-foot bike lane on the outside of the frontage
road, as well as a 5-foot sidewalk separated from the frontage road by a 23-foot buffer area. From SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard) to FM 659 (N. Zaragoza Road), bicycle and pedestrian accommodations would include 5-foot bicycle lanes and 5-foot sidewalks along the outside frontage road lanes in both directions.
Approximately 141 acres of additional right-of-way (ROW) would be required for the proposed project. The existing ROW would be expanded by approximately 200 feet from Global Reach Drive to SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard), and by approximately 50 feet from SL 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway/Joe Battle Boulevard) to FM 659 (N. Zaragoza Road).
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and TxDOT.
Copies of the approval final environmental assessment and FONSI, certification of public involvement, and supporting documentation are available for public inspection at the TxDOT El Paso District Office located at 13301 Gateway Boulevard West, El Paso, Texas 79928-5410. For further information, please contact TxDOT El Paso District US 62/180 Project Manager, (915) 790-2110.
TxDOT El Paso District
13301 Gateway Blvd. West
El Paso, TX 79928
(915) 790-4200
Updated Sept. 7, 2018