Virtual Public Meeting - I-10 from Executive Center Boulevard to State Loop 478 (Copia Street)
View the virtual presentation.
Thursday, June 25, 2020 5 p.m. MST/ 6 p.m. CST
The Virtual Public Meeting will be available online beginning Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 5 p.m. (MST)/6 p.m. (CST) and will stay open until the comment period ends on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 5 p.m. (MST)/6 p.m. (CST).
TxDOT's El Paso District is proposing improvements along I-10. The limits of the project are from Executive Center Boulevard to State Loop 478 (Copia Street) in El Paso County, Texas, and the project is referred to as the Downtown 10 project. This notice advises the public that TxDOT will be conducting a Virtual Public Meeting for the proposed project. The Virtual Public Meeting will be available online beginning Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 5 p.m. (MST)/6 p.m. (CST) and will stay open until the comment period ends on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 5 p.m. (MST)/6 p.m. (CST). The Virtual Public Meeting will consist of a pre-recorded presentation; there will not be a live component. To access the virtual public meeting, go to the following web address at the date and time indicated above and click on Public Meeting #1. If you do not have internet access, you may call (512) 567-9270 to ask questions on how to access project materials at any time during the comment period. Formal comments may be submitted electronically through the Virtual Public Meeting site or by mail, email or phone (as explained below).
Written comments from the public regarding the proposed project are being requested and may be submitted by mail to the TxDOT El Paso District Office, Attn: Downtown 10, 13301 Gateway West, El Paso, Texas 79928-5410. Electronic comments may also be submitted by email as described in the notice or through the Virtual Public Meeting Site. Additionally, members of the public may also call (915) 209-0027 and leave recorded comments from 5 p.m. (MST)/6 p.m. (CST) on June 25 until 5 p.m. (MST)/6 p.m. (CST) on July 15, 2020 in English or Spanish. All comments must be received, emailed, or postmarked on or before Wednesday, July 15, 2020. Responses to comments will be available online at and on the Virtual Public Meeting site once prepared.
The majority of the Downtown 10 project falls within Segment 2 of the Reimagine I-10 Study (study). The study evaluated several conceptual and design alternatives to address transportation needs along a 55-mile stretch of I-10. The study’s recommended alternative consists of reconstructing and widening the existing main lanes, providing continuous frontage roads with pedestrian and bicycle amenities, constructing retaining walls, bridges, and ramps, and reconfiguring cross streets. As the Downtown 10 project moves forward into the engineering design and environmental phase, the recommended alternative will be refined and adjusted to maximize transportation improvements while also minimizing environmental impacts to the extent possible. Additional alternatives will also be analyzed during this process. Proposed alternatives could include the need for proposed right of way resulting in impacts to businesses and residential properties, displacements, impacts to historic districts and historic places/properties, and other environmental impacts. The proposed project is approximately 5.7 miles in length.
Environmental documentation, study results, maps and drawings showing the project location and design, tentative construction schedules, and other information regarding the proposed project will be available on the project site, as they are completed, including the information presented in this Public Meeting.
Special Accommodations:
The Virtual Public Meeting will be in English. However, TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. If you have a special communication accommodation or need for an interpreter, a request can be made. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can also be made to accommodate most needs, please call (915) 201-9414 no later than Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Also, please be aware that advance notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for TxDOT to arrange.
Memorandum of Understanding:
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated Dec. 9, 2019, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.