Public Meeting - FM 1110 (Clint Cutoff Road)
Where: | Clint High School Auxiliary Gym 13890 Alameda Ave. Clint, TX 79836 |
When: | Tuesday, May 3, 2016 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. |
Purpose: | TxDOT invites the public to participate in a public meeting to present the recommended preferred alternative for the proposed widening and realignment of FM 1110 (Clint Cutoff Road) from I-10 to SH 20 (Alameda Avenue). |
Description: | The proposed project would improve system linkage, capacity and mobility by providing a direct connection between I-10 and SH 20 (Alameda Avenue). The proposed transportation improvements to FM 1110 would help facilitate the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in the Lower Valley. The purpose of the meeting is to present the preferred alternative and to offer the public an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.
The proposed project may be constructed in phases. The first phase would consist of the improvements between I-10 and FM 76 (North Loop Drive) and the second would consist of improvements from FM 76 to SH 20. The proposed roadway would consist of four travel lanes, two in each direction, a raised median to allow for turn lanes at intersections, bicycle lanes and sidewalks. The proposed project would include:
The proposed improvements would potentially require approximately 39 acres of right of way (ROW). One residential displacement would occur as a result of the proposed project. Information about the TxDOT Relocation Assistance Program, benefits and services for displacements, as well as information about the tentative schedule for ROW acquisition and construction may be obtained from the TxDOT El Paso District Office. Relocation assistance is available for displaced persons and businesses. All interested parties are invited to attend this public meeting. Written comments from the public regarding this project are requested and may be presented for a period of 10 calendar days following the meeting. Written comments may be submitted via email at, or mailed to: TxDOT El Paso District Comments must be received or postmarked on or before Friday, May 13, 2016, to be included in the Public Meeting Summary. The public meeting will be held in open house format. Spanish-speaking team members will be available at the open house to assist with translation needs. No formal presentation will be given. If you have any questions or require other communication needs or special accommodations, please call Blanca Del Valle, TxDOT Public Information Officer, at 915-790-4200 at least two business days prior to a meeting to request assistance. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate these needs. The environmental review, consultation and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT. |
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Contact: | TxDOT El Paso District 13301 Gateway Blvd. W. El Paso, Texas 79928 (915) 790-4310 Updated Oct. 3, 2016. |