Public Hearing - University Avenue Pedestrian-Bike Announcement - Phase III
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Physical Plant Complex
Building A, Room 113
3120 Sun Bowl Drive, El Paso, TX 79968-0537 (Map)
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Open House: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Public Hearing: 6 p.m.
In coordination with the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and the City of El Paso, TxDOT is conducting a public hearing about the University Avenue Pedestrian-Bike Enhancement Phase III project that includes proposed improvements to West University Avenue from 1,035 feet west of Kansas Street to 1,485-feet west of Kansas Street in El Paso County, Texas. An open house will take place from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. where displays will be available for viewing and the public may come at their convenience. The public hearing will begin at 6 p.m., which includes a formal presentation and comment period. Comments must be received on or before Friday, March 20, 2020 to be a part of the official hearing record.
The purpose of the proposed project is to increase pedestrian and bicycle efficiency, safety, and aesthetics from the university to the surrounding area. Improvements planned for Phase III include:
- Adding new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ramps
- Expanding sidewalks on both sides of the street
- Ading new asphalt pavement
- Providing bike lane improvements including bicycle markings, new pedestrian level lighting, new shade canopies and new landscaping/irrigation
The project length is 0.085 miles and would be constructed within existing UTEP and City of El Paso right of way. The proposed project is not anticipated to impact any waters of the U.S. or floodplains.
Special Accommodations:
Persons interested in attending the public hearing that have special communication or accommodation needs should contact (915) 747-8193 at least two days prior to the hearing. Because the public hearing will be conducted in English, any requests for language interpreters or other special communication needs should also be made at least eight days prior to the public hearing. All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate these needs.
Memorandum of Understanding:
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S. Code (U.S.C.) 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 9, 2019 and executed by FHWA and TXDOT.
TxDOT El Paso District
13301 Gateway Blvd. W.
El Paso, TX 79928-5410
(915) 790-4200
Posted: Feb. 19, 2020