Notice of Availability of Finding of No Significant Impact - Loop 375
This notice is to advise the public that TxDOT has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed Loop 375 (Purple Heart Memorial Highway) project from Spur 601 (Liberty Expressway) to US 62/180 (Montana Avenue) in El Paso County, Texas.
The proposed Loop 375 project would improve mobility and reduce congestion by widening Loop 375 from the existing four-lane facility to a six-lane facility (three lanes in each direction), with three-lane frontage roads on either side of Loop 375 and a hike and bike trail along the southbound Loop 375 frontage road, which would be constructed in the first phase. The proposed project would also provide improvements to the Loop 375 and Spur 601 intersections by constructing three direct connectors, which would be constructed in a subsequent phase(s). The length of the proposed project is approximately 5.3 miles along Loop 375 and 0.1 mile along Spur 601. Approximately 109.9 acres of new right-of-way and permanent easement would be required for the proposed improvements.
Copies of the approved final EA and FONSI, certification of public involvement, and supporting documentation are available for public inspection at the TxDOT El Paso District, 13301 Gateway West, El Paso, TX 79928, (915) 790-4200.
Memorandum of Understanding:
The environmental review, consultation and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated Dec. 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
TxDOT El Paso District
13301 Gateway Blvd. W.
El Paso, TX 79928-5410
(915) 790-4200
Posted Feb. 5, 2019