Public Meeting - FM 552 from SH 205 to SH 66
JW Williams Middle School
625 E. FM 552
Rockwall, TX 75087 (Map)
Thursday, May 17, 2018
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
To present the planned improvements and solicit public comments on the proposed roadway improvements to FM 552 from SH 205 to SH 66 in Rockwall County, Texas. The meeting will be an open house format with no formal presentation. Representatives from TxDOT, Rockwall County, and project consultants will be available to answer questions about the proposed project.
The project proposes to widen a distance of 5.2 miles of FM 552 from SH 205 to SH 66 in Rockwall County, Texas. Expansion would consist of one 12-foot-wide travel lane and one 14-foot-wide outside shared-use lane for vehicles and bicycles in each direction; a proposed raised median from SH 205 to John King Boulevard and from Dismore Lane to SH 66; a 20-foot flush median between John King Boulevard and Dismore Lane; and sidewalks. The existing right of way varies between 80 and 130 feet in width and would increase with the proposed project. The proposed project is anticipated to require approximately 40 acres of additional right of way to widen the roadway, based on the preliminary schematic.
The meeting will be conducted in English. Persons interested in attending the meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs, such the need for an interpreter, are encouraged to contact the TxDOT Dallas District Public Information Office at (214) 320-4480. Requests should be made at least two days prior to the meeting. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate these needs. Written comments must be postmarked by June 1, 2018, to be included in the official meeting documentation.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
TxDOT Dallas District
Public Information Office
(214) 320-4480
Posted April 17, 2018