Notice of Availability of Finding of No Significant Impact - SH 121, Collin and Fannin Counties
This notice advises the public that TxDOT has issued a Finding of No Significiant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed improvements to SH 121 by widening the facility from a two-lane facility to a four-lane divided facility from the Collin County Outer Loop to north of County Road (CR) 635 in Collin and Fannin Counties, Texas.
The proposed SH 121 improvements would include reconstructing and widening the existing two-lane undivided roadway facility to a rural four-lane divided highway (two lanes in each direction) consisting of 12-foot wide travel lanes, with a 40-foot wide grass median, with grass-lined ditches, four-foot wide inside shoulders, and discontinuous frontage roads. Based on the proposed project area’s location within a predominately rural sector of Collin County, the 10-foot wide outside shoulders would serve as bicycle accommodations for projects. Grade separated intersections are proposed at FM 455 and FM 2862. The length of the SH 121 proposed widening improvement project is approximately 9.52 miles.
The environmental review, consultation and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and TxDOT.
Copies of the FONSI Document, the approved Final Environmental Assessment, the Public Hearing Transcript for the Aug. 8, 2017 public hearing, the Public Hearing Summary and Analysis Report, which includes the Responses to Public Comments, and the Certification of Public Involvement for this project, are available for public inspection and reproduction at the TxDOT Dallas District Library, at 4777 East Highway 80, in Mesquite, Texas 75150.