Public Hearing - US 281 at Premont
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Public Hearing - US 281 at Premont

Where: St. Theresa Community Life Center
801 N. Broadway (US 281)
Premont, TX 78375
When: Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014
Open House: 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.
Purpose: TxDOT invites you to an open house and public hearing on the proposed US 281 at Premont project. The project staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide information. A formal presentation and public comments will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Maps and other drawings showing the proposed project’s location and design will be displayed at the hearing. Environmental documentation for the project will also be available at the hearing. Environmental documentation is also available for review at the City of Premont Administration Office, the TxDOT Corpus Christi District Office on South Padre Island Drive in Corpus Christi, and the TxDOT Alice Area office on US 281 in Alice, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. For more information contact the TxDOT Corpus Christi District office at (361) 808-2231.

All interested citizens are invited to attend this public hearing. Verbal and written comments from the public regarding this project are requested and may be presented through Jan. 7, 2015. Written comments may be submitted either in person or by mail.

Spanish-speaking staff will be available during the open house. Persons requesting simultaneous Spanish translation during the presentation or other special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to call (361) 808-2231 by Nov. 24, 2014. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate these needs.
Description: The purpose of the proposed project is to upgrade US 281 at Premont to meet current interstate design standards and improve the safety of the traveling public, in a manner that is sensitive to the environment and serves the access and mobility needs of the community. To minimize overall impacts to Premont including homes and businesses, a relief route east of Premont has been identified as the preferred solution to upgrade US 281 in the Premont area. The relief route would extend from just 0.5 mile north of FM 1538 to 1 mile north of CR 431. It would include two northbound and southbound interstate quality main lanes, an interchange at S.E. 7th Street, and is 4.87 miles long. The main lanes would accommodate a 70 mph design speed, are separated by a 48-foot grassy median and the right-of-way width is approximately 500 feet.

The proposed relief route addresses the project needs while minimizing environmental, cultural, and socio-economic resource impacts and does not require the relocation of homes or businesses. The proposed relief route would be designated as US 281 and would become part of I-69 system in Texas and would specifically be designated as Interstate 69 Central (I-69C).

The proposed project would require approximately 192.8 acres of additional right of way. Information concerning services and benefits available to affected property owners and information about the tentative schedules for right-of-way acquisition and construction may be obtained at the public hearing or from the district office.
Contact: US 281 at Premont
TxDOT Corpus Christi District
1701 S. Padre Island Drive