Virtual Public Hearing - Proposed Approval of Financial Assistance
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting is a virtual public hearing. To access the virtual hearing, please see below.
Friday, March 26, 2021
10 a.m.
Virtual Meeting
WebEx meeting link - Join meeting
Meeting number (access code): 180 665 8571
Meeting password: TUnxGfe9W64
Join by phone
Call in from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-415-655-0003 United States TOLL
To receive comments from interested parties concerning approval of financial assistance at the following locations:
- City of Atlanta
- Hutchinson County
- City of Caddo Mills
- City of Cotulla
- City of Dallas (Dallas Executive)
- Maverick County
- Gillespie County
- City of Gladewater
- City of Liberty
- City of San Saba and San Saba County
Aviation Division
150 E. Riverside
Austin, TX 78704
Ph: (512) 416-4512
Posted: March 9, 2020