Open House - SH 45 (Rattan Creek to McNeil Road)
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Open House - SH 45 (Rattan Creek to McNeil Road)

Where: Cedar Valley Middle School Cafeteria
8139 Racine Trail
Austin, TX
When: Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Purpose: An Open House to present preliminary maps and other displays regarding proposed improvements to State Highway (SH) 45 in Williamson County between Rattan Creek and McNeil Road.

Project team members will be available to answer questions. No formal presentation will be made.

Description: Proposed improvements include construction of the following:
  • A grade-separated interchange at SH 45 and the planned O’Connor Drive extension
  • Frontage roads and associated entrance and exit ramps along SH 45
  • Eastbound and westbound three-lane frontage roads extending approximately 2,000 feet west of O’Connor Drive and 4,400 feet east of O’Connor Drive.
  • Entrance and exit ramps on either side of the O’Connor Drive interchange along the SH 45 frontage roads

The proposed project would be constructed within the existing SH 45 right-of-way and Williamson County’s O’Connor Drive right-of-way.


Dennis Nielsen
TxDOT Austin District
(512) 832-7056