Public Hearing - FM 969 from FM 973 to Hunters Bend Road
Dailey Middle School (Map)
14000 Westall St.
Austin, TX 78724
Revised Date:
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016
Open House: 6 p.m.
Hearing: 6:30 p.m.
TxDOT, in conjunction with Travis County, is proposing to widen FM 969 (MLK Blvd.) from FM 973 to Hunters Bend Road. The proposed project is needed because the existing roadway does not adequately accommodate current traffic demands, nor would it meet expected future demands. There are also safety issues associated with the current configuration.
The proposed project would widen FM 969 within the project limits, a distance of approximately 2 miles in eastern Travis County just east of the Austin city limits. Proposed improvements would include:
- Upgrading the roadway to four travel lanes (two in each direction)
- A continuous center turn-lane
- Six-feet-wide outside shoulders to accommodate bicyclists and allow a safe refuge for vehicles
- A continuous sidewalk
People interested in attending the hearing that have special communication or accommodation needs, such the need for an interpreter, are encouraged to contact the FM 969 Public Involvement Coordinator, at (512) 895-9592 or Requests should be made at least 5 days prior to the hearing. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate these needs.
The environmental review, consultation and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated Dec. 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
TxDOT Austin District
P.O. Box 15426
Austin, TX 78761-5426
(512) 832-7000
Updated Nov. 18, 2016.