Open House - FM 812
Del Valle Opportunity Center
5301 Ross Road
Del Valle, TX 78617 (Map)
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
TxDOT is conducting an open house to present project information and gather public input on proposed improvements on FM 812 in Travis County, Texas. Displays will be available for review and comment and TxDOT staff will be available to answer questions. No formal presentation will be given.
Proposed improvements include:
- Upgrades the existing two-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane divided roadway
- Divides the roadway with a center turn lane in developed areas and a grassy median in undeveloped areas
- Constructs a new segment of roadway from US 183 to FM 973
- Enhances access for bicyclists and pedestrians with the addition of a 10’ shared-use path
All interested citizens are invited to attend this Open House. Written comments may be submitted or postmarked by October 27, 2017 for inclusion in the Public Meeting Record.
The meeting will be conducted in English. Persons interested in attending the meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs, or need an interpreter are encouraged to contact (512) 338-2223. Requests should be made by Monday, October 9, 2017. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate these needs.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
TxDOT Austin District
P.O. Box 15426
Austin, TX 78761-5426
(512) 832-7000
Posted: Aug. 22, 2017