Notice of Availability and Finding of No Significant Impact - I-40 at SL 335
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Notice of Availability and Finding of No Significant Impact - I-40 at SL 335


This notice advises the public that TxDOT has issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for the proposed I-40 at the SL 335 interchange project on I-40 from Whitaker Road to State Spur 468 (Airport Road) in Potter County and on SL 335 from 34th Avenue in Randall County to SE 3rd Avenue in Potter County.


The proposed IH 40 at SL 335 Interchange project would consist of the following roadway improvements, including bicycle and pedestrian accommodations:

  • The conversion of SL 335 from 34th Ave. to SE 3rd Ave. from a non-freeway section to a freeway section with frontage roads, ramps, grade separations over intersecting cross streets, and a four mainlane section with a provision for future expansion to an ultimate six mainlane section.
  • The proposed SL 335 roadway would consist of four 12-foot mainlanes (two lanes in each direction) with 4-foot inside shoulders and 10-foot outside shoulders; 14-foot ingress and egress ramps with 2-foot inside shoulders and 6-foot outside shoulders; north and southbound two-lane frontage roads (curbed section with a 12-foot inside lane and 14-foot outside shared lane in each direction); and, 6-foot sidewalks along each frontage road, all within an approximately 350 to 362 foot proposed right-of-way (ROW).
  • The proposed IH 40 roadway would consist of six 12-foot mainlanes (three in each direction) with 11-foot inside and 10-foot outside shoulders, west and eastbound two-lane frontage roads (curbed section with a 12-foot inside lane and 14-foot outside shared lane in each direction); and, 6-foot sidewalks along each frontage road, all within an approximately 305 to 430-foot proposed ROW.
  • Reconstruction of the existing interchange of IH 40 with SL 335 consisting of a frontage road system at the first level, the IH 40 mainlanes on the second level, SL 335 at the third level, and direct connection ramps on the fourth and fifth levels.
  • An interim phase of construction has been developed that would initially construct the 3-level interchange at the intersection of IH 40 and SL 335. No direct connectors would be built as part of the interim phase. The direct connectors would be constructed during the ultimate phase of the proposed project.

Memorandum of Understanding:

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.



TxDOT AmarilloDistrict
5715 Canyon Drive
Amarillo, TX 79110

(806) 356-3200


Posted June 25, 2018