Stormwater Management Program references
Title | Description |
A Practical Guide to the Establishment of Vegetative Cover on Highway Rights-of-Way | TxDOT's vegetation management guidelines that include mowing standards; herbicide operations; native and introduced grasses, wildflowers and legumes; pruning guidelines; and vegetation management and wildlife habitat. |
Hydraulic Manual: Storm Water Management | Storm water management includes non-structural and structural measures such as erosion control to minimize erosion and sediment transport and stormwater detention and retention systems to reduce peak runoff rates and improve water quality. Measures intended to mitigate stormwater quantity and quality problems are termed best management practices (BMPs). |
Roadside Vegetation Management Manual | The purposes of the vegetation management guidelines contained in this manual are to enhance the safety of the traveling public, enhance environmental protection. |
Specification Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, Spec Item 506 | 506 addresses temporary erosion, sedimentation, and environmental controls |
Use of Right-of-Way by Others Manual, April 2005 | Any use of TxDOT right-of-way needs to be controlled and monitored by the Maintenance Division to ensure the safety of highway users. Mailboxes, non-departmental signs, multiple use agreements, stock passes and cattle guards, and access driveways should be controlled by the maintenance manager |
Utility Accommodation Policy Manual by the Division of Right-of-Way | This manual is to be used by companies that need to construct utilities on TxDOT's right-of-way. |