The invoice template published on the website will be the most current template. Always use the current template. Do not submit the invoice more than once, as this will cause a delay in processing. Submit all invoice questions to:
Announcing: New email accounts for PEPS invoice submissions will be operational soon. TxDOT's PEPS Division is improving the efficiency of invoice processing by employing automation strategies using DocuSign CLM. The email addresses are posted below will be available on June 23, 2023.
For Division invoices: | |
For District invoices: | |
Please note: After June 23, 2023, please do not submit invoices to the previous email process boxes as those accounts will not be used to accept invoices.
Invoice template packages and resources
Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF)
- CPFF invoice template and instructions - September 2023 - Ver 16
- CPFF master template setup video - July 2022 - Ver 1
- CPFF how to complete a monthly invoice video - July 2022 - Ver 1
Specified rate and unit cost (SR and UC)
- SR and UC invoice template and instructions - September 2023 - Ver 14
- SR and UC master template setup video - May 2022 - Ver 2
- SR and UC how to complete a monthly invoice video - May 2022 - Ver 2
Lump sum (LS)
- LS invoice template and instructions - September 2023 - Ver 11
- LS master template setup video - May 2022 - Ver 2
- LS how to complete a monthly invoice video - May 2022 - Ver 2
Frequently asked questions
PEPS has developed step-by-step videos that will guide you through filling out the different invoice templates for all payment types except CPFF, which is still in the works. Most questions regarding the invoice templates can be resolved by referencing these videos. It is highly recommended you use these resources prior to contacting PEPS for assistance with the invoice templates.
No. Typically, the accounting costs associated with the preparation and submission of an invoice are covered under the consultant’s overhead as an indirect cost. So, a consultant gets compensated for the invoice preparation costs, not directly as a line-item cost, but indirectly in their overhead rate.
Enter the four-digit Fiscal Year (FY) that applies to the billing period. TxDOT’s fiscal year begins September 1st and ends August 31st of each year. For example, September 1, 2021 will begin FY 2022.
Due to the number of columns being used on the Summary of Total Amt Invoiced you will need to change the page size to 11” X 17” and change the orientation to landscape. This will allow for all the columns to show up correctly. This would be the only worksheet that needs this change.
If there is an issue when saving and reopening your file, download the most recent version of the template to your computer. This will help to eliminate the problem.
The amount shown on the Invoice worksheet turns red because it is not a match for the total shown on the Signature Authority worksheet due to adding the Supplemental Invoice Template.
The invoice amount is correct, but because the amount shown on the Invoice worksheet does not match the amount shown on the Signature Authority worksheet, the amount shown on the Invoice worksheet turned red.
This alerts the PEPS Invoice Center to look for a Supplemental Invoice, and to check that the totals shown on the corresponding worksheets are correct, and all necessary documentation for the Supplemental Invoice is attached.
The process for submitting a supplemental invoice if identifying invoicing errors or should you receive a late invoice from a Subprovider, submit a supplemental invoice as a standalone invoice. In the body of the email submission, please include a brief comment explaining the reason for the supplemental invoice and ensure to attach detailed backup documentation to the supplemental invoice. To differentiate the supplemental invoice, please add "SUPP" to the end of the invoice number related to the previous invoice submission; this is the prior invoice submitted to the PEPS Invoice Center for the service dates which you are submitting a supplemental to so that it will be linked to that primary invoice.
Should multiple late invoices be received from a subcontractor for the same work authorization, please contact the PEPS Invoice Center for guidance, each situation such as these are handled on a case by case basis.
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please email
Additionally, we encourage subproviders to use the Invoice Template for their billings. It is easier to clearly identify the CSJ/FC for subproviders when using the Invoice Template, and it is also easier for the PEPS Invoice Center to process.
The mileage rate is adjustable. The cell is unlocked to where the provider can enter the mileage rate that applies to the dates of service.
While it is not required, the Invoice Template can be used for subprovider billings. It would be beneficial to both the prime provider and to PEPS for tracking purposes. This would make our audit process better as well.
The actual Fixed Fee (FF) for a WA is negotiated and identified in the WA. The invoice template automatically calculates the FF based upon a percentage of labor and profit.
If a FF is remaining at the end of the WA, the provider will enter the remaining FF balance on the “Fixed Fee Adjustment” line item (Cell E23) on the WA Financial Status Summary worksheet for final payment.
Providers are not allowed to bill partial for any deliverables, they can bill for any and/or all deliverables completed after the reinstated letter’s date. For any lump sum method of payment invoices are not tied to time periods that work was done. The invoice and payment on a lump sum agreement applies to the fiscal year that the deliverable being paid for was submitted or completed. Also, for any lump sum method of payment when work was completed is irrelevant, it’s all pertaining to the actual work produced.
You can submit your request directly to the PEPS Invoice Center inquiry inbox or you can email your request to PEPS Invoice Center Leads or Manager. Once you receive confirmation that your invoice has been voided, you can resubmit revised invoice at that time.
Vendor will receive payment 30 calendar days from the date the invoice is received by TXDOT. If an invoice is received after business hours 8am – 5pm, over the weekend or on a holiday, the invoice will be date stamped on the next business day for processing.
You can resubmit a rejected invoice once it is corrected, which fixes the identified deficiencies. This corrected invoice should be submitted as soon as possible. The resubmission of this invoice will not be counted as a second invoice, even if another invoice is submitted in that same month (30-day period), for a subsequent monthly billing period.
To avoid confusion, the various identifying numbers must match. The firm’s Invoice Number on their actual invoice, submitted with the Invoice Template, must match the Invoice Number that is included on the Invoice Template. Also, the Contract Number included on the Invoice and Invoice Template must match the Contract Number, for the Contract assigned to project.
The deliverable submission and acceptance date applies to Lump Sum payment type only. For Lump Sum payment type, the Project Managers are not tracking when the work began and ended on a deliverable; instead, the costs are considered incurred based on completion and acceptance of the deliverable.
You can resubmit a rejected invoice once it is corrected, which fixes the identified deficiencies. This corrected invoice should be submitted as soon as possible. The resubmission of this invoice will not be counted as a second invoice, even if another invoice is submitted in that same month (30-day period), for a subsequent monthly billing period.
When a consultant bills for a billing period, it is expected that all costs associated with that period have been submitted. When a consultant submits a subsequent invoice for that same billing period, TxDOT must go back and re-evaluate all costs associated with that billing period to ensure that these costs are not duplicated in the previous invoice. Additionally, TxDOT authority to pay older invoice may be limited depending on when the costs were incurred, based on the legislative appropriation year that the cost occurred. As a reminder, the terms and conditions of the contract state that the Engineer is authorized to submit requests for reimbursement no more frequently than monthly and no later than ninety (90) days after costs are incurred.
The TxDOT Project Manager is to provide the CSJ number, Project ID number, or charge code to the provider so that the costs are charged to the appropriate cost center.
Services to be provided by TxDOT or reviews by TxDOT should not hold up a provider from doing their work within the agreed upon work schedule. If TxDOT is delaying the project, a supplemental work authorization may be needed to add additional time, and potentially funds for any costs that are a result from the TxDOT delay.
No. As indicated in the terms and conditions of the contract, the Engineer is authorized to submit requests for reimbursement no more frequently than monthly and no later than ninety (90) days after costs are incurred. However, this does not include the resubmission of a rejected invoice. A rejected invoice may be resubmitted as soon as the issues are corrected.
The invoice center needs to have the proper information in order to bill properly in Peoplesoft (the TxDOT financial system). If these numbers are entered incorrectly, billing and payment cannot properly occur. For simple invoices, these minor errors may be corrected by TxDOT staff, however for more complex invoices these will be return to the provider for correction.
The TxDOT Project Manager will need to request that PEPS add the new function codes that are not within the invoice template drop down and the reasons they are being utilized for the project.
Under the terms and conditions of the contract, the provider is authorized to submit an invoice at a minimum monthly. The TxDOT Project Manager is not authorized to change those terms stated within the contract.
The Table of Deliverables is a negotiated element of the contract. It should be developed with the intent to allow invoicing at least on a monthly basis. Billing frequency and the type of deliverables and interim deliverables should be discussed during the negotiation phase of contract or work authorization development.
For most providers, the costs associated with the accounting functions, including invoicing, is typically included in the indirect cost rate. So, the cost for invoicing is included as an indirect cost through the application of the Indirect Cost Rate.
While it is not appropriate to include every possible labor category in a work authorization, it is appropriate to include labor categories that may be needed, but to include no hours for them. Should the need arise, the more appropriate labor category can be substituted in using hours that are dedicated to that task but assigned to another category.
The level of effort estimate on a work authorization is divided into various tasks under broad categories of work called function codes. While the maximum not to exceed on the work authorization is a hard number, not to be exceeded, the budgets at the function codes are considered estimates, which when performed the actual costs may vary above or below the estimate. Small variations should not be of concern; however, when they vary significantly questions should be asked by the project manager to determine the cause of the variance, which may require a supplement work authorization.
A provider is allowed to begin using a higher (escalated) rate on an existing work authorization once the higher rate becomes effective in the contract. However, there will not be an adjustment to the maximum amount not to exceed identified on the work authorization.
Information on the status of the work authorizations and contracts can be found in PSCAMS as well as on the Contract & Work Authorization Utilization Tableau Dashboard. The District should monitor the status of their own consultant budget utilization these tools.
The preparation and submittal of the invoice is the responsibility of the provider. It is the PEPS Invoice Center who receives the invoice, completes an initial review, routes it for approval, and payment. The TxDOT Project Manager will review the invoice to verify that the work has been completed and is sufficient before approving it and before it routes through to the authorized signature authority. The PEPS Invoice Center uses an automated workflow system to automatically route the invoice through the different reviewers and approvers for processing and payment.
Yes, a request can be made. Any agreement changes need to be done through a supplemental agreement or supplemental work authorization to protect both TxDOT and the provider. TxDOT cannot pay for something that is not within the contract or WA.
A firm cannot be reimbursed for the value or cost of a discount on a travel expense unless the firm (employee) paid money to obtain the discount. If an employee receives a discount as a benefit of making unrelated purchases or conducting unrelated business with the provider of the discount, the discount is considered to be provided free to that employee. Thus, a firm can only charge the cost of the travel expense less any discount received through the use of reward points. The Comptroller's position on the issue can be found on their website: