Annual precertification renewal with CCIS
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Annual precertification renewal with CCIS

Annual renewal is governed by Section 9.33 of Title 43 in the Texas Administration Code (TAC).

Firms precertified in one or more categories for engineering, architectural, or surveying services must complete the annual renewal process between Jan. 1 and March 31 each year to maintain "Active" status.

Firm status

Precertified firms that have not completed the annual renewal processing by the renewal deadline will be "Inactive" until the renewal process is completed. The annual renewal deadline is March 31 of each year.

Active status is required for precertified prime and subprovider firms proposed for precertified work categories in provider response to the solicitation. Active status for applicable firms must be obtained by the provider response due date shown in the solicitation.

Renewal process

The renewal process is completed through the Consultant Certification Information System (CCIS) for all precertified firms.

Most precertified firms have at least one employee with access to CCIS. To complete the Annual Renewal process, a CCIS user must log into the system and click on the Account Renewal button to begin the renewal process. To complete the renewal process, the user must use the dropdown in the Account Renewal dialog box to navigate to: firm branch information, firm employee information, firm general information, and firm DBE/HUB information screens to review the data. Once all four information sets have been reviewed, the firm can finish the renewal process and view its renewal certificate.

PEPS CCIS Precert Administrator