Round and round we go
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Round and round we go

Sept. 18, 2024

By the Editorial Board

AUSTIN — As Texans, we are a proud and brave people. Those who came before us helped settle the West and stood their ground at The Alamo. So why are so many Texans afraid of circles?

For those who shutter in fear at the very mention of a roundabout, this week is for you. Welcome to National Roundabouts Week. A week-long celebration of the much safer variety of intersection.

We hear it all the time; roundabouts are “dangerous” and “too difficult to navigate.”

The truth is, roundabouts have much fewer fatal and serious injury crashes than intersections with stop signs or red lights by about 78% and 82%, respectively, according to the Federal Highway Administration.

Intersections on average claimed the lives of about three Texans every day in 2022. That means by building more roundabouts where appropriate, we can reduce a lot of crashes on our roadways and save lives.

Why are they so much safer? Well first off, because of the way the curves are designed, speeds are much slower, but mainly it’s about what engineers call “conflict points.” That’s a fancy way of saying there are much fewer ways for cars to hit each other.

In a traditional traffic light, vehicles can speed straight through. You can’t do that in a roundabout, which means you basically get rid of the t-bone crash. Slower speeds plus less of a chance to hit someone, or be hit, equals a safer place to drive.

Texas is already home to an estimated 860 innovative intersections and 643 roundabouts, with areas such as Bryan, El Paso and San Antonio leading the way with multiple innovative intersection projects under development.

Using a roundabout doesn’t have to be scary. It’s actually pretty easy. As you approach the roundabout, slow down and yield to oncoming traffic in the circle. Then maintain a safe, low speed and proceed. It can't possibly get any easier than that.

So this week, we invite you to face your fears and give a roundabout a try. Drive around in circles as many times as your heart desires. Seriously, have at it. Enjoy yourself. Get in some practice laps. All while knowing you are in one the safest intersections on the planet.